Live & Work Remotely in Crete

Best Places to Live & Work as a Digital Nomad in Crete


Digital Nomad Guide: Crete

Crete is the largest and most populous of the Greek islands with diverse and vibrant land packed with ancient ruins, buzzing cities and breathtaking beaches. Crete rests approximately 160 km south of the Greek mainland. This island is a small universe that offers white-sanded beaches, mountain scapes next to Mediterranean civilization.


  • White Mountains (Lefka Ori)
  • Natural Landscapes
  • Mount Psiloritis
  • Knossos Palace
  • Mythology
  • Chania Town
  • Beaches
  • Heraklion Town

Climate in Crete

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Live & Work Remotely in Thessaloniki

Best Places to Live & Work as a Digital Nomad in Thessaloniki

Macedonia Greece

Digital Nomad Guide: Thessaloniki

An important metropolis by the Roman period, Thessaloniki was the second largest and wealthiest city of the Byzantine Empire. The Ottomans conquered it. Today it has a vibe of innovations with ancient culture as a structure that upholds the city. Rebuilt in the 20th-century city and has a modern European layout Greece's second-largest city. Thessaloniki is a Greek port city on the Thermaic Gulf of the Aegean Sea. Evidence of Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman history remains, especially around Ano Poli, the upper town. The ruins of Roman Emperor Galerius’ 4th-century palace include the Rotunda which has been both a church and a mosque. Much of the city centre was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1917.


  • Canyoning
  • Rappelling
  • Hiking
  • Archery
  • Orienteering
  • Historic and Cultural Sites
  • Museum of Illusions
  • Festivals

Climate in Thessaloniki

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Live & Work Remotely in Central Greece

Best Places to Live & Work as a Digital Nomad in Central Greece


Digital Nomad Guide: Central Greece

Central Greece, also known as Roumeli, encompasses a storied region of the Greek mainland steeped in ancient history and natural splendor. Nestled within its boundaries are forested mountain ranges, meandering rivers, serene lakes, and a diverse array of flora and fauna. Delve into the rich tapestry of the past with visits to the legendary archaeological site of Delphi, home to the famed Oracle of Apollo. Wander through charming seaside havens like Galaxidi and Itea, each offering picturesque vistas and a glimpse into Greece's maritime heritage. Explore the historical significance of Nafpaktos, a captivating town graced with timeless allure. Venture further to discover the captivating lagoon of Messolonghi, the largest wetland in Greece. This natural paradise boasts a mosaic of islets, sandy dunes, lush forested banks, and an abundance of wildlife, providing sustenance and livelihoods to local communities. Amidst this breathtaking landscape lies the culinary treasure of bottarga (known as Greek avgotaracho), an esteemed delicacy crafted from the roe of the female grey mullet, bestowed with a prestigious PDO award. Dive into the gastronomic delights and cultural wonders of Central Greece, where history, nature, and culinary excellence converge to create an unforgettable experience.


  • Mountains
  • Boating
  • Water sports
  • Sailing
  • Fishing
  • Diving
  • Cultural activities
  • Sunshine

Climate in Central Greece

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